Leas Village Fete

Fri, February 17th, 2017 at 10:35 PM

Title: Leas Village Fete
Location: The Leas by Leas Lift
Description: A traditional event which includes arena displays, children’s fairground rides, demonstrations, side-shows, competitions, food and craft & gift stalls.
The arena displays will include a crowd pulling selection of birds of prey, reptiles and creepy crawlies with interactive static displays and interactive animal and bird shows throughout the day with fun and exciting commentary. Others may include The Hawkinge Flyers, the Folkestone Teenyboppers, Tai Chi demonstrations and Splash Pals. Punch & Judy shows, Archery lessons and Party Mascots will run all day.
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2017-05-28
End Time: 17:00