SATURDAY 3rd SEPTEMBER – by The Bandstand on The Leas

Saturday 3rd September was a thoroughly enjoyable day with fine weather, enjoyed by the dog owners, classic car enthusiasts and music fans. The commercial food and drink stalls were very happy with the day.

Once under way there must have been between 2-400 people at any one time with an estimate of 900 to 1200 people attending or passing and enjoying the event, if only for a few minutes.

The venue worked very well and Linnie Hayley worked hard and organised a veritable feast of dachshund bangers and other breeds (with owners). The fun dog show was extremely well received and busy. Helpers included an unofficial Town Crier, members of the FF team and other volunteers who all seemed very happy and enjoyed the day so much they were reluctant to leave the Leas at the end of the event! Sale of bandanas and dog entrances were very healthy.

With the help of Doug Quinney the Folkestone Buskers delivered thoroughly enjoyable music throughout the event and deckchairs were put out for the public to relax and enjoy the music. The sausage sellers worked hard with sometimes a short queue of customers waiting to sample/buy sausages and the classic cars were very much admired and the owners were very happy with the day.